Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

IT & innovation club

15 feb 2008
Hi, today, we ad surprise session for IT. I joioned half of the session becauase of conversational chinese class.I was sure that it was fun! =) we pair up in our group and tied our legs together. Then we had to do some exciting things which was pretty difficult.And we won the game!!! =)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

hi, this is my IT project,
i know it is ugly
but i have to right about it.S0o sorry....:)
pls add ur comments. hehe....bye....

Thursday, January 31, 2008

hEllo EverYone!!!
i am aSwathY. i hOpe all of yoU are fine!!!tweEty is SoO cUte !!!!!!!,[<3]heHe....=)thaTz aLl !byE!!